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Make sure to read our Review Policy.

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Staff Review

* Staff Review Restrictions:

  1. No refunds.
  2. The books must be edited and proofread. This is not a proofreading service. It is expected that your book has already gone through editing and proofreading. If three errors are found in the first ten pages, the review will be stopped. The author will be given 90 days to edit and proofread. The review can be continued within 90 days after a $10 resubmit fee.
  3. Our Review Policy must be met. Any book that doesn’t meet our review policy will be rejected without refund. The review can be continued within 90 days after a $10 resubmit fee.
  4. Be aware that a guaranteed review does not mean a guaranteed 5 star review. If the reader feels your book is a 1 star, your book will get 1 star and the review will cost just as much.